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  2. Dear MU-tizens, We want to inform you that we are currently undergoing a crucial upgrade to our server infrastructure, which includes moving to a new host. This transition is essential for segregating our resources and connectivity bandwidth specifically for Taro, Toga, and Teba. Our goal is to enhance service reliability and performance distinctly for each segment. 🚀 🛠️ Current Server Status: The server is presently offline to facilitate these changes. Due to the complex nature of the migration, we are unable to provide a precise timeline on when the server will be back online. We are committed to minimizing this disruption and will keep you updated regularly. 🎁 Maintenance Rewards: As a token of our appreciation for your patience and understanding during this period, all active users will be rewarded upon the completion of the maintenance. Further details about the rewards will be communicated as we approach the end of this upgrade process. 🙏🤗 Thank you for your continued support. Warm regards,
  3. MeTa

    About TaroMU

    Welcome to TaroMU, an long-term private MU-Online server part of DivinityMU Community. Here at TaroMU, environment is meticulously crafted to offer an experience rate of X50, allowing you to enjoy gradual and epoch-divided progression. This structure ensures that every player, whether novice or veteran, finds their path. All gameplay rates are set to default to preserve the authentic MU experience, and detailed guides can be found in our exclusive Game Guide section. Additionally, TaroMU is home to Tournaments, an achievements panel, and a comprehensive guild panel, enhancing your gaming experience and community interaction. If you aim to reignite your passion for MU-Online or start a new server, TaroMU offers a unique world where legends come to play. For any information, our Game Guide section is your go-to resource to help navigate the realms of TaroMU. Download now and Register to TaroMU — where every epoch is an epic start to a new adventure, and every achievement is a story waiting to be told!
  4. Salutare, Nu stiu daca postez unde trebuie dar cumva trebuie sa fac asta pentru minte si poate pentru cativa jucatori care vor citi inainte sa dea play la TebaMu. Acest server din punct de vedere al constructiei este intr-un cuvant magic, sa poti sa ai 10 chacatere (elfi) construiti diferit este ceva foarte interesant dar....pana aici a fost totul bine. Serverul este intr-o moarte clinica, se asteapta un update la S19 cu aceelasi data base. Lucru bun pentru unu pentru ca nu stiu cati vor vrea sa ia de la 0 pe un data base nou dupa toata munca depusa iar eu sincer eram intre cele 2 optiuni desi, m-am decis sa nu mai joc pe acest server, voi incerca taro mu dar doar pentru a testa terenul. Hai sa iti spun experienta mea pe serverul tau. Am fost activ in trecut 5-6 luni dupa care am avut o perioada de inactivitate aproximativ tot la fel de lunga iar acum am inceput cu o activitate de 3-4 luni. In primul rand, exista pe serverul tau un bug la shoket set, prin care 3-4 playeri nu pot sa omoare un caracter afk. Cred ca ai fost informat de acest bug...surpinzator inca exista, la fel cum a fost si la boss Nix, vreo 2 sapt. nu il puteai atataca decat cu anumite skilluri si abia dupa 2 saptamani s-a rezolvat problema cu Nix, problema la shokete exista inca. 2. Sunt pe serverul tau, anumiti jucatori care, cu un account nu mai vechi de 2 sapt. au facut un proges de 90%, ceea ce noi muritori de rand ne-a luat 3 luni. As dori sa stiu, cum poti sa faci 40 Grand reset, 90% din Bosii pe zi intre orele 5 dimineata si ora 10 seara, sa termini un set de shoket cu 3 shokete LV 20 pentru fiecare item din set, sa termini pentagrama Full si cu errtel bastion ceea ce eu inca n-am reusit sa fac in 3 luni (aici scriu mai jos o alta chestie), sa spargi atatea boxuri de guardian pet pana ai o vulpe rara 3 op ( adica fix MAXIM din ce primesti) sa spargi atatea boxuri si sa faci atatea earings pana ajungi la ultimul + 15 si cele mai bune optiuni pentru ambi, sa urci guardian pet la +15 , sa faci spider artifact la +9 (toate 6) in timp ce un Varka event iti da in medie 3 pietre, toate astea este imposibil sa le faci in 2 saptamani in timp ce tu activezi 90% din bossi pe server. Discutam de server standard nu de cel premium. Tot ce a fost scris aici este testat de mine si verificat pe activity la eventele unde este istoric. TOATE MENTIONATE LA UN LOC PENTRU UN ACCOUNT DE 2 SAPT. Vom trece la S19 si voi reusi sa fac prin muca in 2-3 luni ce altul va face in 3 zile? nu multumesc. Sper ca ai citit mai sus tot, ca sa iti faci o idee cam cum decurge serverul tau acum. A fost pe server un event in trecut unde au fost premii care, acum sunt imposibile de obtinut deci, pe s19 un newbie nu le va atinge nici prin munca deoarece asa ai decis tu sa opresti eventu. Si acum vine intrebarea, de ce ar alege cineva sa joace aici daca nu mai poti ajuge la anumite nivele din joc? Sunt trecute pe site procentajele pentru Upgrade la earrings element etc. care, nu au nici o treaba cu ce este in joc. Pe testate din 60 de ertele am reusit sa duc 12 ertele la Rank 2 lv.7 desi rata este de 80%? Nu este nici un admin pe server, nu este nimeni care sa intre si sa verifice anumite progrese si playeri daca folosesc sau nu hack-uri, coduri etc. Nu este nici un admin pentru un event sau ceva mai iesit din comun decat daily boss, last man standing nu merge, chaos castle nu merge, anununtul pentru S19 a fost facut undeva prin decembrie, de atunci pe server nu s-a intamplat nimic. Cu toate acestea , eram dornic sa vad cum ar arata un S19 aici, imi cer scuze, nu vreau sa joc intr-un loc unde poti folosi toate hackurile posibile, nu vreau sa mai pierd alte 3 luni aici ca dupa maxim, dar maxim 6 luni serverul sa intre intr-o moarte clinica in care este si acum. Sa incep de la 0 daca e sa fie new data base, ca altu in 2 sapt. sa fie full si eu abia la primul gr? Sa joc in contiuare aici unde oricum nu voi ajunge la nivelele la care au ajuns uni pentru ca nu mai sunt evente? Nu stiu cati hateri are aceasta comunitate dupa cum ai scris in anuntul postat prin decembrie dar, din decembrie pana acum nu s-a facut nimic pentru acest server, nici macar o verificare de securitate loguri etc. ca sa nu mai vorbim de events si alte activitati. Posibil sa nu te intereseze cele scrise mai sus, dar cam asta e campania pentru un server de 60 jucatori din care 50 sunt caractere de farmat, si 10 jucatori din care 8 se chinuie si 2 termina de construit in 2 sapt. tot ce vor pentru ca nu intereseaza pe nimeni. Degeaba faci ceva frumos daca, nu esti dornic si perseverent sa il pastrezi, si, cumva nu sunt luate decizii impotriva celor care nu respecta reguli (limbaj, hack, etc.) ma rog, nici macar nu verifica nimeni nimic. A fost frumos, dar in final a fost o pierdere de vreme maxima care, se va mai continua si pe urmatorul sezon deoarece in faza asta ori pierzi jucatorii vechi care nu vor de la 0 (nici eu nu as vrea de la 0, dar nici nu vreau sa mai joc aici pentru ca practic joc degeaba) ori, pierzi jucatori noi care daca nu au hack nu vor face nimic. Cam asta este experienta mea aici, dar din cate se vede si pe activitate cam asta a fost experienta multor jucatori care au trecut pe aici.
  5. Pls add spot on Acheron maps, Nars don't have any spot, another only have 3 mods spot
  6. Niree


    Salut, Incearca link-ul acesta.
  7. SpartanBB


    Se poate pune un link functional catre canalul de discord ? Multumesc !
  8. Jocu reinstalat......porneste bine ma loghez si poc cand dau sa bag nume sau sa aleg rasa se blocheaza sec......nimic eroare...???
  9. SheCrome


    Deci, cu DL pe PVP server nu pot sa atack Nix decat cu firescram. Restul skilurilor nu functioneaza. 2. Pe stie scrie ca, Errtel Upgrade rate e 80%, + 10% pe gold server +10 % daca folosesti elemental talisman ar trebui sa fie 100%. Am pierdut luni, 50% din ertele radiance pe care urma sa le cresc. Te rog daca poti sa verifici...daca stiam ca nu e 100% foloseam chaos talisman, nu cel de luck....
  10. Niree

    Season 19

    Hello, While this sounds like good news, I am not sure is the right approach. While I would prefer for the current database to be kept, I am not sure the majority will agree. The end goal should be bringing the server back to life. Maybe a poll could be useful here, just to check what the community wants.
  11. MeTa

    Season 19

    Reconsideration: I discovered a clever strategy that allows me to avoid creating a new database for Season 19+. The current database will remain intact and continue to be used in Season 19 and next Seasons. So, you can continue playing without any problem!
  12. Niree

    Season 19

    Hi MeTa, Thank you for the update! Looks like the proper way to do it in the long run. I think the initial concept of the New Age was great (focused on in game crafting). Building upon that initial concept would be a great idea. You can also add concepts and events from older databases for a better experience. Please find below some ideas to consider: Overhaul the farming events (Holy Cruse, Commander's Medal, Gens Conquest). I believe the periodicity and rewards should be reworked (biweekly or even monthly instead of weekly and rewards could be diamonds + crafting items for different stages of the game; time limited items could also be maintained in rewards). Gens conquest should be designed for active questing in one map (Vulcanus comes to mind, which will also serve as a point of contention for players). Vulcanus could be a point of interest for other quests and events as well, making it a central point in the game; Rework Varka, Doppleganger and Boss Battle Events (maybe even add extra events). The rewards should be improved (chance for a drop: artifact and stones, crafting items, special wings could be some of the rewards); Balgass event reworked: once a day (preferably evening) with some global reward (for example experience increase or chaos machine rate increase) and drop reward. Implement Guild Hall (could be implemented as a later update if requires too much initial work); Implement end-game quests for different objectives and rewards (could also be implemented as a later update). Implement a server command or ingame-menu for live timers on events/invasions and bosses. Also implement a command for opening npc shop and vault, regardless of you current location ( for example: /openvault or /opennpc); Implement Jewel Bank and Guild Vault; Edit the options and stats (I'm referring to the absolute values, not the percentage ones) for mastery set items to match full status of the character (the absolute values on the mastery items should be directly proportional with the values of full status; for example in the current database/season these values are closer to the original values of non-rr, than full status; the only example which comes to mind is the weapon options + bonus which were edited; the same should be done for the set items). The entire journey, from first levels and resets to end game events should be designed for progressive growth (different parts of the gear to be obtained from different events in different maps/bosses/events etc.). The idea here is to explore and have activity on a wide range of maps and parts of the game. Multiple clients should be limited to a certain number (2 or 3) to limit inactive farming and snowballing effect; Admin team should be created for professional support in game. I believe this has been a major drawback on previous databases. Having a good team of admins which can provide transparency and accuracy to the owner and to the community will allow you to focus on the right and important things, rather than dealing with repetitive inquiries which consumes a lot of time. Will also provide a point of contact for players, so they will know their feedback and voice is heard. This should also come with a code of conduct for the community (I believe respect and common sense should be core values here). These are only a part of the ideas that came to mind. I also believe more people should pitch in with ideas, so the end result will reflect the ideas/wishes and values of the entire community, not only of few.
  13. MeTa

    Season 19

    Hello, New Season in TebaMU is absolutely necessary. Currently, efforts are focused on completing and launching TaroMU. Once this stage is finished, we will immediately begin work on the new TebaMU. I'm sorry, but a new database will be necessary for the next season to ensure compatibility and config/formulas logics. The current database is incompatible with what Webzen has added in Season 19. The Season 18 database will not be deleted, will remain as it is now, without losing any data. Settings for the new season will be designed in a simpler way to facilitate easier updates and better continuity with Webzen's releases. The goal is to provide a pleasant and stable gaming experience without rebuild the database for every new season. I want to maintain TebaMU as it has always been, with continuity and stability. Not rebuild the database with every season as currently all private servers practiced. If you have any original ideas about the future configuration of TebaMU or examples from other private servers (Season 19+ not Season 6 Ep.3000 soup), we can discuss them here (you can post server links and explain what do you like there). I would like many more to express their opinion before opening the server rather than after saying it's not good this configs/way, it should have been like that. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this transition period. Cheers,
  14. Niree

    Season 19

    Hello, I would like to ask the question which, I believe, is of interest for many other players (mostly inactive). Will there be a season 19 on the current database? If yes, is there a timeline estimation? I believe S19 is a great opportunity for the server to comeback (new or current database) as it comes with many new features such as: 5th Quest, Wings level 5, 5th mastery tree -> Ability Enhancement Core, New Sets and Weapons, New Earrings and many others. I also believe it's a good opportunity to implement some changes/updates which were needed on the current season as well: implement new events, adjust some class settings, enable kondar usage on mastery Items, implement end-game quests/events so the activity will not significantly decrease when reaching this phase of the game, improve artifact availability and many other changes which will improve the gameplay. There should be an ecosystem from "start to finish", with a clear path and objectives along the way, which should also provide entertainment and diverse activities. While it might seem that not everyone is appreciative of the work done over the years, there are quite a few which do appreciate the efforts. It's easier to point out the shortcomings on something than to find ways to improve and actually implement these. And yes, the community has not been the easiest to please, but detractors are present everywhere. They should not define the community. We can change this and the change needs to start with ourselves.
  15. Eryck

    Sare din joc

    Am dezactivat tot .... antivirusul e cel de la win 10
  16. MeTa

    Sare din joc

    Ai un proces care iti verifica jocul si il altereaza. Incearca sa inchizi antivirus sau orice alt program care iti scaneaza calculatorul (sau sa adaugi jocul la exceptii)
  17. Eryck

    Sare din joc

    Am incercat si cu alt cont si la fel face
  18. MeTa

    Sare din joc

    Incearca crearea unui character nou si spune-mi daca experimentul are acelasi rezultat
  19. Eryck

    Sare din joc

    vreo rezolvare la problema asta? Am aceasi problema pe laptopul de la munca.... Am jucat doua zile apoi mi-a iesit din joc si de atunci nu mai vrea deloc. am reinstalat windows.... update si tot ce trebuie, am descarcat full client , la fel face. Intru ma loghez, selectez caracterul si cind sa intre in joc dispare fereastra. CrashLog-ul e la fel ca cel de mai sus. P.S. Am incercat sa intru pe Discord si imi zice link invalid.
  20. Hello everyone, 🌟 We are currently in the process of developing the TaroMU Website and we are very pleased to announce this to you. Considerable efforts are being made to bring significant improvements compared to the TebaMU website, including modern design and easy navigation with constantly updated content. We aim for the website to truly reflect the beauty and values of TaroMU World. We would like to invite you to share your feedback and suggestions throughout the development process. We are here to listen to you and ensure that the website will meet your needs as best as possible. We appreciate any thoughts, suggestions, or constructive criticism you may have to share. Thank you for your continued support! 🙏
  21. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I regret that this year we couldn't organize a special event as you are used to, but I promise to make it up in the future with many surprises. 🎉 Happy New Year to all DivinityMU members! In the new year, numerous incredible surprises await you. Starting at the end of January, we will open the doors to the legendary TaroMU, and in mid-February, TebaMU - Chapter 19 will begin to write new stories. 🎂 In February, we will also celebrate the 20th anniversary of the DivinityMU community and our website www.divinitymu.org. It's a special time, and we are grateful for every moment spent with you. 🌟 At the end of spring, expect the arrival of our new member, TogaMU, a non-reset server with an experience rate of 500x. With many planned changes and new staff members eager to get involved, we are excited to share this unique experience with you. Thank you for your constant support and for being a part of this wonderful community. May you have happy holidays and a New Year filled with success and adventures! Best wishes, @MeTa
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