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Pentagrams Basic Information

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Pentagram is an important item that gives elemental system to your character.

There are various pentagrams from beginner to senior.


PentagramUpgrade :


- Basically, Pentagram has Elemental Damage, Elemental Defense Options.

- You can upgrade these options with jewels, same as other items.


Pentagram - Trade limit :


- The Pentagram has trade limit at the first time when the item was obtained. (The first limited numbers of trade are different depending on each Pentagram and the minimum is 1 time)

- Tradable seal can increase trade limit. (The maximum is 255)


Pentagram - Elemental Window :


- Every pentagram has elemental window of its own.

- You can open the elemental window of your pentagram with ALT + right click

- From the window, you can check pentagram option, and Errtel slots.


Pentagram - Errtel Slot :


- Errtel slots in pentagram can be activated randomly when the item is dropped from field monsters. (Maximum 4)

- You can equip errtel only when an errtel slot is activated.

- You can activate a slot for Errtel of Radiance with “Expansion Scroll of Radiance slot”

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