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  1. EmperoR

    Find and Kill GM

    Congratulations everyone ! Winners are: 1. Undercover - 1 teba points and 25.000 diamonds 2. FulguletZ - 1 teba points and 25.000 diamonds 3.Bellatrix - 1 teba points and 25.000 diamonds 4.TheShadow - 1 teba points and 25.000 diamonds 5.Sapphire - 1 teba points and 25.000 diamonds Thanks everyone ! HF !
  2. EmperoR

    Find and Kill GM

    ENG: Hello, Today at 12:30 (server time) I will organize a Find and Kill the GM event. Rules and general info: There will be 5 rounds, on 5 different maps. The GM will specify the map, at the beginning of each round. The person who will end up killing the GM each round, will be considered the winner (doesn’t matter who made the first hit – we can check in pk logs) There are no restrictions for pk between players or buffs Rewards: 25.000 diamonds for each round If you will win at least 3 rounds, you will also get 3 Teba League Points If you will win at least 2 rounds, you will also get 2 Teba League Points If you will win only 1 round, you will also get 1 Teba League Point GL&HF RO: Salutari, Astazi la ora 13:30 (server time) voi tine un event Find and Kill GM. Reguli si descriere: Vor fi 5 runde in 5 harti diferite. Harta va fi anuntata de catre GM la inceputul fiecarei runde. Castigatorul rundei este considerat prima persoana care reuseste sa omoare GM-ul. (nu conteaza cine trage prima data in GM) Nu exista limitari din punct de vedere al pk-ului intre jucatori, buff-urilor utilizate, etc.. Premii: 25.000 diamante pentru fiecare runda castigata Pentru castigarea a 3 sau mai multe runde se acorda si 3 Teba League Points Pentru acstigarea a 2 sau mai multe runde se acorda si 2 Teba League Points Pentru castigarea unei singure runde se va acorda si 1 Teba League Point GL&HF
  3. EmperoR

    Hide and Seek!

    EN: Congrats all players ! The winners are: 1. Rider 2. Bellatrix 3. RobertoMG All 3 winners were rewarded with 75.000 Diamonds and 2 League Points. Thanks for participating ! RO: Felicitari tuturor jucatorilor ! Castigatorii sunt: 1. Rider 2. Bellatrix 3. RobertoMG Toti 3 castigatorii au fost recompensati cu 75.000 diamante si 2 puncte in liga Teba. Multumesc tuturor pentru participare !
  4. EmperoR

    Hide and Seek!

    ENG: Hello TebaMu Players, I'm waiting for you all today to Hide and Seek Event at 2:00PM ( server time ) ! The event will take place in 3 different maps and PK is allowed. At the start of each round I will announce the map i am hiding and i am going to use skins. If you win a round, you can't participate to another one. Rewards: at each round, the first player that finds me and trades me for receiving the prize, will be rewarded with 75.000 Diamonds and 2 league points. GL&HF ! RO: Salutare Jucatori TebaMu, Va astept astazi la event-ul Hide and Seek la ora 2:00PM ( ora serverului ) ! Acesta va avea loc in 3 mape diferite, iar PK-ul este permis. La inceputul fiecarei runde voi anunta mapa pe care sunt si voi folosi skin-uri. Daca ati castigat o runda, nu puteti participa la alta. Premii: la fiecare runda, primul jucator care ma gaseste si imi va da trade pentru a primi premiul, va fi recompensat cu 75.000 Diamante si 2 league points. GL&HF !
  5. Iar legat de armura, aripi, incearca sa apesi click stanga, apoi click dreapta pentru a putea utiliza un anumit obiect din inventory.
  6. EmperoR

    Race Event

    EN: Hello Teba-Players, Today at 07:30PM ( Server time) I am waiting you to participate to a Race Event. The race will be in Lorencia, in the special place for races ( coords: 120,80 ) The race will be with 3 laps. First 3 players who will finish all 3 laps will win. Race will be on Horn of Uniria ( i will give to all participants Horn of Uniria ). Rules: Without personal pets. Without wings. Without teleport spell. The prizes: First place: 100,000 diamonds and 3 teba points. Second place: 75,000 diamonds and 2 teba points. Third place: 50,000 diamonds and 1 teba point. Good luck. RO: Salutare jucatori Teba, Astazi la ora 07:30 PM ora serverului ( 09:30PM ora Romaniei ), va astept sa participati la Race Event. Cursa va fi in Lorencia, in locul special pentru curse ( Coordonate: 120,80 ). Cursa va fi din 3 tururi. Primii 3 jucatori care vor termina toate cele 3 tururi vor castiga. Cursa va fii pe Horn of Uniria ( eu o sa dau Horn of Uniria la toti participantii ). Reguli: Fara Aripi. Fara Pet personal. Fara Teleport. Premiul: Locul 1: 100,000 diamante si 3 puncte teba. Locul 2: 75,000 diamante si 2 puncte teba. Locul 3: 50,000 diamante si 1 punct teba. Mult noroc.
  7. Types of Pentagrams The Pentagram has trade limit at the first time when the item was obtained. (The first limited numbers of trade is different depending on each Pentagram and the minimum is 1 time) Tradable seal can increase trade limit. (The maximum is 255) Image Name Required Level to equip Elemental Min. Damage Elemental Max. Damage Elemental Defense Trade Limit Iron Shield Wall of the Lorencia Knights 300 96 129 231 5 Hero Elixir 300 134 180 184 5 Gladiator's Dagger 300 168 227 132 5 Kundun's Madness Blade 300 181 245 249 1 Kundun's Magic Spell Scroll 300 181 245 249 1 Stronghold of the Empire Guardians 300 181 245 249 1 Ancient Icarus Scroll 300 181 245 249 1 Arca's Prophecy 300 209 284 288 1 Antonia's Sword 300 209 284 288 1 Kundun's Seal Scroll 300 209 284 288 1 Pentagram Option Added a unique option to new Pentagram item and the maximum two options can be added. (Previous Murren Scroll and Scroll of Etramu cannot have the option. ) Each option has specific activated conditions and when the conditions have been satisfied, the option effect can be applied. Option Name Description Increase attack of Pentagram by 10 Increase basic attack of Pentagram by 10% Ertel of Anger / 2 Rank / 3 Level Increase defense of Pentagram by 10% Increase basic defense of Pentagram by 10% Ertel of Anger / 2 Rank / 3 Level Increase rate of elemental critical damage by 10% Increase rate of maximum damage of elemental attack by 10% Ertel of Anger / 2 Rank / 3 Level Transfer defense to elemental defense by 5% Add 5% elemental defense of character's defense Ertel of Anger / 2 Rank / 5 Level Ertel of Blessing / 3 Rank / 5 Level Add damage to elemental damage by 1% Add 1% of the last damage to elemental attack damage. Ertel of Anger / 2 Rank / 5 Level Ertel of Blessing / 3 Rank / 5 Level increase resist against strong element by 5% Increase rate of fully elemental resist regarding stronger element than own element by 5% Ertel of Anger / 2 Rank / 5 Level Ertel of Integrity / 3 Rank / 6 Level Increase resist against elemental attack by 5% Increase rate of fully resist, when it is hit by 5% Ertel of Blessing / 3 Rank / 6 Level Ertel of Integrity / 3 Rank / 6 Level Ertel of Divinity / 3 Rank / 6 Level
  8. Pentagram is an important item that gives elemental system to your character. There are various pentagrams from beginner to senior. Pentagram – Upgrade : - Basically, Pentagram has Elemental Damage, Elemental Defense Options. - You can upgrade these options with jewels, same as other items. Pentagram - Trade limit : - The Pentagram has trade limit at the first time when the item was obtained. (The first limited numbers of trade are different depending on each Pentagram and the minimum is 1 time) - Tradable seal can increase trade limit. (The maximum is 255) Pentagram - Elemental Window : - Every pentagram has elemental window of its own. - You can open the elemental window of your pentagram with ALT + right click - From the window, you can check pentagram option, and Errtel slots. Pentagram - Errtel Slot : - Errtel slots in pentagram can be activated randomly when the item is dropped from field monsters. (Maximum 4) - You can equip errtel only when an errtel slot is activated. - You can activate a slot for Errtel of Radiance with “Expansion Scroll of Radiance slot”
  9. EmperoR

    Mass PK Event

    EN: Winners are: 1. Nightmare - 100.000 Diamonds and 3 teba points. 2. StarWizz - 75.000 Diamonds and 2 teba points. 3. AnaMary - 50.000 Diamonds and 1 teba point. Congrats to all the winners . RO: Castigatorii sunt: 1. Nightmare - 100.000 Diamante si 3 puncte Teba. 2. StarWizz - 75.000 Diamante si 2 puncte Teba. 3. AnaMary - 50.000 Diamante si 1 punct Teba. Felicitari tuturor castigatoriilor . EN: I apologize for the mistake made on website and forum regarding the event hour. Recruitment for the event was announced in-game from 4:55PM to 5:20PM (server time) RO: Imi cer scuze pentru greseala de scriere facuta pe site si forum cu privire la ora eventului. Recrutarea pentru event a fost anuntat in joc incepand de la 4:55 pana la 5:20 ( ora serverului ) .
  10. EmperoR

    Mass PK Event

    EN: Hello Teba-Players, Today I`ll host a Mass PK Event at 5:00PM [Server Time] with following steps: - Recruiting for 5 minutes the players willing to participate. - In order the event to take place, there are needed 7 participants minimum. - The mass PK will stop when there'll be only 3 players alive. Rules: 1. Having a party with someone and also having buffs from other classes are prohibited. 2. If someone dies will have to stay in safe-zone not to come back to fight. 3. If anyone will start to hit before i say "GO" will be disqualified. 4. The last 3 standing players will fight again for their places, prizes and league points. Rewards: 1st place - 100.000 Diamonds and 3 Points 2nd place - 75.000 Diamonds and 2 Points 3rd place - 50.000 Diamonds and 1 Point Good luck everyone ! RO: Salutare Teba-Players, Astazi o sa tin un Mass PK event la ora 5:00PM ( Ora Serverului ) cu urmatorii pasi: - Recrutarea participantilor timp de 5 minute dispusi sa participe. - Pentru ca evenimentul sa aiba loc, este nevoie de cel putin 7 participanti. - Mass PK se va oprii atunci cand raman doar 3 jucatori in viata. Reguli: 1. Este interzis sa aveti Party cu cineva sau sa aveti Buff-uri de la alte clase. 2. Daca cineva moare va trebuii sa ramana in Safe-Zone, nu sa se intoarca la PK. 3. Daca cineva incepe sa atace inainte sa anunt eu startul o sa fie descalificat. 4. Ultimii 3 participanti in ramasi in viata se vor lupta din nou pentru locurile lor, diamante si Teba Points: Premii: Locul 1 - 100.000 Diamante si 3 Puncte. Locul 2 - 75.000 Diamante si 2 Puncte. Locul 3 - 50.000 Diamante si 1 Punct. Mult noroc tuturor !
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