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About Shinn

  • Birthday March 21

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  1. Shinn

    - Mass PK - Event

    Hello TebaMu, The winners are: First place: Nightmare 2nd place: Merneith 3rd place: 1nger Congrats!
  2. Shinn

    - Mass PK - Event

    Hello TebaMu, The event will take place today, June 13th at 8:00 PM [Server Time - after Arca War] at the exit of Lost Tower 1 and will take place as follows: - recruiting for 5 minutes the players willing to participate - in order the event to take place, there are needed 7 participants minimum - having a party with someone and also having buffs from other classes are prohibited - if you died, you are not allowed to get out of safe zone - during the fights, i will write on Global Chat - the mass PK will stop when there'll be only 3 players alive The last 3 standing players will fight again for their places and prizes: 1st place - 300.000 Diamonds 2nd place - 200.000 Diamonds 3rd place - 100.000 Diamonds May the best player win!
  3. The winners are: 1) Dorin - Tarkan 2) CALIPSO - Calmness 3) Evernever - Atlans 4) Dorin - Kanturu Island 5) Chosen - Noria Thank you all for participating and congrats to all winners! Take care!
  4. Hello TebaMu, Today, June 4th at 6:30 PM [ST] will take place the event - Find and Kill the GM - Rules: - there will be 5 rounds, on 5 different maps. The GM will specify the map, at the beginning of each round - the person who will end up killing the GM each round, will be considered the winner (doesn’t matter who made the first hit – we can check in pk logs) - there are no restrictions for PK between players or buffs - a player can participate to any number of rounds Rewards: 80.000 Diamonds for each winning round Waiting for you all!
  5. The winners of today's event are: 1) Thyris 2) Evelyne 3) xzibitinho Congrats to the 3 winners and thank you all for participating! Have a great weekend!
  6. Hello TebaMu, I'm waiting for you all today at 4:45 PM [ST] to Hide and Seek. The event will take place in 3 different maps on Ice Server. At the start of each round I will announce the map i am hiding and I am going to use skins. If you win a round, you can't participate to another one. Rewards: at each round, the first player that finds me and trades me for receiving the prize, will be rewarded with 100.000 Diamonds. See you all in game!
  7. Shinn

    - Mass PK - Event

    Hello TebaMu, The winners of today's event are: 1st place: Leuu 2nd place: HoesMad 3rd place: MosuGL Congrats!
  8. Shinn

    - Mass PK - Event

    Hello TebaMu, The event will take place today, May 14th at 6:20 PM [Server Time] at the exit of Lost Tower 1 and will take place as follows: - recruiting for 5 minutes the players willing to participate - in order the event to take place, there are needed 7 participants minimum - the mass PK will stop when there'll be only 3 players alive - having a party with someone and also having buffs from other classes are prohibited - during the fights, i will write on Global Chat. The last 3 standing players will fight again for their places and prizes: 1st place - 300.000 Diamonds 2nd place - 200.000 Diamonds 3rd place - 100.000 Diamonds May the best player win!
  9. Hello TebaMu, The winners of today's event are: 1) GuNNeR 2) Grimhild 3) Elfon Congrats and thank you all for participating!
  10. Hello TebaMu, I'm waiting for you all today at 2:15 PM [ST] to Hide and Seek. The event will take place in 3 different maps on Ice Server. At the start of each round I will announce the map i am hiding and I am going to use skins. If you win a round, you can't participate to another one. Rewards: at each round, the first player that finds me and trades me for receiving the prize, will be rewarded with 100.000 Diamonds. See you all in game!
  11. Hello TebaMu, The winners of today's event are: 1) DeadlyKisS 2) Jubilee 3) WanT3D Thank you all for your participation and congrats!
  12. Hello TebaMu, I'm waiting for you all today at 11:00 AM [ST] to Find and Trade Event. The event will take place in 3 different maps on Ice Server. At the start of each round I will announce the map i am hiding and what i want you to bring me. If you win a round, you can't participate to another one. Rewards: at each round, the first player that finds me and trades me the requested item(s) for receiving the prize, will be rewarded with 100.000 Diamonds. See you all in game!
  13. Shinn

    Hide and Seek Event

    Hello TebaMu, The winners of tonight's event are: 1) Specter 2) Santiag0 3) SirLeuu Thank you all for participating and congrats to the winners!
  14. Shinn

    Hide and Seek Event

    Hello TebaMu, I'm waiting for you all today at 6:00 PM [ST] to Hide and Seek Event! The event will take place in 3 different maps and PK is allowed. At the start of each round I will announce the map i am hiding and i am going to use skins. If you win a round, you can't participate to another one. Rewards: at each round, the first player that finds me and trades me for receiving the prize, will be rewarded with 100.000 Diamonds. See you all in game!
  15. Shinn

    Hide and Seek Event

    Hello TebaMu, The winners of today's event are: 1) Drujba 2) Casper 3) Powered All three winners were rewarded with 100.000 Diamonds. Congrats and thank you all for participating!
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