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Premium Shop Now Live

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Hello everyone,


As promised the Premium Shop is now available here (Login required)

So what is the Premium Shop since we already have the Item Shop and the Store?

The Premium Shop gives you the opportunity to buy the more exotic items from the game, that until now could only be bought with cash or won at special events.

Those items for now are Wings of Power, and Ice Dragon Rare (Red)

How does the Premium Shop works?

In the Premium Shop you will buy the Items mentioned above with Grand Resets, and Diamonds as shown below:


If you have the required amount of Grand Resets, and wish to buy one of the items above, the specified number of grand resets that correspond to the item will be substracted from your character. Eg: You have 50 Grand Resets and buy one Ice Dragon, after the purchase you will be left with 20 Grand Resets, and an Ice Dragon Rare.

Please be aware that you will receive the item on the Character that you used to buy the item, and it cannot be moved since it is an Time Limited Item.



Salutare tuturor,

Dupa cum am promis Premium Shop este disponibil aici (este necesara conectarea pe cont)


Ce este Premium Shop si la ce foloseste din moment ce avem Item Shop si Store pe site?

Premium Shopul va da oportunitatea de a cumpara itemele exotice care pana in acest moment erau disponibile doar pe bani, sau la eventuri speciale.

Itemele in cauza fiind Wings of Power si Ice Dragon (Rare)


Cum functioneaza Premium Shop?

Din Premium Shop puteti cumpara Itemele mai sus mentionate folosind Grand Reseturi si Diamante, conform pozei de mai jos:image.png

Daca aveti numarul necesar de Grand Reseturi si doriti sa achizitionati unul din itemele de mai sus, numarul de Grand Reseturi corespunzator Itemului pe care doriti sa-l achizitionati vor fi sustrase de pe Caracterul vostru.

Ex: Aveti 50 de Grand Reseturi si doriti sa cumparati un Ice Dragon Rare, platiti 30 de Grand reseturi+diamantele aferente, iar la final veti ramane cu 20 de Grand Reseturi si un Ice Dragon Rare.


Va rog sa tineti cont de faptul ca itemele vor fi disponibile doar pentru caracterele de pe care cumparati, intrucat acestea sunt limitate ca si perioada de timp, iar acest lucru inseamna ca sunt de tip "Character Bound". Nu pot fi mutate pe alte caractere.



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