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Bug detection skill!

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Salut @MeTa,

In momentul folosirii skilului detection la SL, clientul se buguieste in sensul ca nu mai poti face nimic pe joc si esti nevoit sa inchizi clientul pentru remediere. Desi tu nu mai poti face nimic in pvp, ceilalti playeri iti vad caracterul comportandu-se normal. Poti verifica si eventual rezolva problema la acest skill?

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"You will never be criticized by someone who is doing more than you. You will only be criticized by someone doing less than you."

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1 hour ago, Yami said:

La mine merge 


In pvm merge. Dar incearca sa te bati dupa ce ai activat skilul. 



"You will never be criticized by someone who is doing more than you. You will only be criticized by someone doing less than you."

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Bugul se pare ca se formeaza numai in Lorencia ring. Posibil ca skilul sa fie ok si problema sa fie in acest ring. @MeTa ramane sa verifici tu.

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"You will never be criticized by someone who is doing more than you. You will only be criticized by someone doing less than you."

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