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Complaint [Chino]

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Se respawneaza pe aceleasi coordonate dupa ce iese din anumite coordonate fixate. Pare a fi script/macro recorder pentru a reveni mereu in zona unde apare Kundun-ul.


    Using 3rd party software to alter the gameplay is prohibited.

    Each player is required to report serious errors immediately to the DivinityMU Team. A player is not allowed to knowingly take advantage of bugs.

    If you notice that a player is abusing a bug in the game you must report him.

    If you notice a spelling error or typo, you are not obligated to report it, however you are encouraged to do so for the improvement of the game.

    If we detect macro softwares or similar applications/scripts/mouse or keyboard, you will be suspended for the first time 7 days.


Punishment: Permanent restriction to server and account

Please keep in mind that some items/diamonds can be substracted by DivinityMU Staff from your account/character(s) as a penalty for rule breaking.


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"You will never be criticized by someone who is doing more than you. You will only be criticized by someone doing less than you."

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In urma verificarilor efectuate, characterul sus mentionat se afla in offlevel.

In modu offlevel pot lipsi multe efecte ce in mod normal sunt afisate.


P.S. Pe serverul Ice voi scoate offlevel in majoritatea hartilor + Castle Siege.

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