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Fury last won the day on February 17 2023

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10 Good

1 Follower

About Fury

  • Birthday 07/26/1991

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  1. Final Score : Manchester United - Barcelona 2-1 Congratulations Niree !
  2. Hello Mu-tizens, In this Event you have to guess the right score between 2 football teams . The right score will be the one at the end of 90 minutes . If the match goes over 90 minutes ,the right score will remain the one at the end of minute 90 . How to post : Nickname and The Score ; Example : Nickname : Fury Manchester United - Barcelona 0-0 The prize is : 1000 Diamonds The thread will be locked 1 hour before the match begins ! Good luck everyone !
  3. Final Score : RB Leipzig - Manchester City 1-1 Unfortunately no winner this time.Better luck next round!
  4. Hello Mu-tizens, In this Event you have to guess the right score between 2 football teams . The right score will be the one at the end of 90 minutes . If the match goes over 90 minutes ,the right score will remain the one at the end of minute 90 . How to post : Nickname and The Score ; Example : Nickname : Fury RB Leipzig - Manchester City 0-0 The prize is : 1000 Diamonds The thread will be locked 1 hour before the match begins ! Good Luck Everyone !
  5. Final Score : Liverpool - Real Madrid 2-5 Unfortunately no winner this time.Better luck next time !
  6. Fury

    [Event] Puzzle Pieces 8

    3 puzzles solved. Congratulations : BKboss,DeCeGOD & Killu. @MeTa will add the prizes. 2 more puzzles are still unsolved : LINK 2: https://www.jigidi.com/solve/5ex9o2rd/puzzle29/ LINK 5: https://www.jigidi.com/solve/qphv6szc/puzzle32/
  7. Hello Mu-tizens, In this Event you have to guess the right score between 2 football teams . The right score will be the one at the end of 90 minutes . If the match goes over 90 minutes ,the right score will remain the one at the end of minute 90 . How to post : Nickname and The Score ; Example : Nickname : Fury Liverpool - Real Madrid 0-0 The prize is : 1000 Diamonds The thread will be locked 1 hour before the match begins ! Good Luck Everyone !
  8. Puzzle Pieces Mania Mechanics Hello Mu-tizens, Once a week,I'll upload 5 puzzles for you to solve. 5 puzzles will be created using an image. Try to choose and finish one single puzzle from those 5 as soon as you can. This time there will be 5 winners (those who posts first one puzzle solved from that list of 5) Mechanics Example Player 1 resolves puzzle 1 - Posts the Results accordingly with given rules - Wins Player 2 resolves puzzle 1 after Player 1 - Posts the Results accordingly with given rules - He will not win because Player 1 has already posted the resolved puzzle. Player 3 resolves puzzle 2 - Posts the Results accordingly with given rules - Wins After 24 hours from the start of the event, the winners will be the players who posts first a solved puzzle. Rules No posting twice. No multiple posts. You cannot edit your post after it has been published. Time should be visible in your print screen. You can choose and solve only one puzzle. Format for Posting In Game Name: Fury Puzzle Solved: 1 Time: 00:00:00 Prize 3,000 Diamonds EVENT IS NOW OPEN! Make sure to READ the Mechanics and FOLLOW the Rules. Puzzles to solve: LINK 1: https://www.jigidi.com/solve/9a3qq84e/puzzle28/ LINK 2: https://www.jigidi.com/solve/5ex9o2rd/puzzle29/ LINK 3: https://www.jigidi.com/solve/8dlq7aiv/puzzle30/ LINK 4: https://www.jigidi.com/solve/0ux301w1/puzzle31/ LINK 5: https://www.jigidi.com/solve/qphv6szc/puzzle32/ The event will be open for 24hrs. Good Luck everyone !
  9. Fury

    [Event] Puzzle Pieces 7

    Event Over. Congratulations to our last winners : FukPoliCe & WarStyle @MeTa will add the prizes !
  10. Final Score : Lazio - Cfr Cluj 1-0 Congratulations BKboss ! @MeTa will add the prize ! See Y'all Next Time !
  11. Hello Mu-tizens, In this Event you have to guess the right score between 2 football teams . The right score will be the one at the end of 90 minutes . If the match goes over 90 minutes ,the right score will remain the one at the end of minute 90 . How to post : Nickname and The Score ; Example : Nickname : Fury Lazio - Cfr Cluj 0-0 The prize is : 1000 Diamonds The thread will be locked 1 hour before the match begins ! Good luck everyone !
  12. Fury

    [Event] Puzzle Pieces 7

    I am gonna extend this event with 24 hours. Congratulations to our 3 winners for now : DeCeGOD,Addiction,BKboss. 2 puzzle are still unsolved,so you'd better hurry and solve them. LINK 2: https://www.jigidi.com/solve/3bor82iw/puzzle24/ LINK 3: https://www.jigidi.com/solve/e7yid7wq/puzzle25/
  13. Final Score : Borussia Dormund - Chelsea 1-0 ; Congratulations SnyperDL. @MeTa will add the prize !
  14. Hello Mu-tizens, In this Event you have to guess the right score between 2 football teams . The right score will be the one at the end of 90 minutes . If the match goes over 90 minutes ,the right score will remain the one at the end of minute 90 . How to post : Nickname and The Score ; Example : Nickname : Fury Borussia Dortmund - Chelsea 0-0 The prize is : 1000 Diamonds The thread will be locked 1 hour before the match begins ! Good luck everyone !
  15. Final Score : PSG - BAYERN 0-1 Unfortunately no winner today.Better luck next time !
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