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[Event] Puzzle Pieces 1

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BPpllAW.gifPuzzle Pieces ManiaBPpllAW.gif


Hello Mu-tizens,

Once a week,I'll upload a puzzle for you to solve.
A puzzle will be created using an image.
Try to finish the puzzle as soon as you can.
You can attempt to solve the puzzle as many times as you like, but the quickest solution will win.

After 48 hours from the start of the event, the winners will be the players who solved the puzzles the fastests .


No posting twice. No multiple posts.

You cannot edit your post after it has been published.

Time should be visible in your print screen.

jXJMzeq.gifFormat for PostingjXJMzeq.gif

In Game Name: Fury
Time: 00:00:00


1st Place
1,500 Diamonds

2nd Place
1,000 Diamonds

3rd Place
500 Diamonds 



Make sure to READ the Mechanics and FOLLOW the Rules.

Puzzle to solve:

LINK: https://www.jigidi.com/solve/7jfjimg2/twilig10/

The event will be open for 48hrs.

Good Luck everyone !

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Hello Mu-tizens, it seems some of you did not read the rules. The event duration was only 48 hours ( i was away travelling with work so the thread remained open more than 48 hours but the rule remains ) .

That means Addiction,DaVinci and SnyperDL(also you have edited your post which is forbidden) you have posted too late. Next time guys.

Also Luchian disqualified for editing the post after it was published . 

VioOs i can't see your screen.


In other words Congratulations to the winners :

1) First Place:  DeCeGOD (02:43)

2) Second Place: Wizzy (04:35)

3) Third Place:  xEna (04:45)

Congratulations everyone and for the rest of you better luck next time !

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