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GruG last won the day on February 14 2021

GruG had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

13 Good

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  1. GruG

    Abount PvP Update

    Sincere condoleante
  2. GruG

    Happy New Year

    Happy new year ! 🙂
  3. GruG

    Master level bug

    Cred ca am rezolvat, am mers in urmatoarea harta si am inceput sa fac level. Multumesc oricum.
  4. GruG

    Master level bug

    Nu stiu de ce nu mai iau experienta la Master level, indiferent daca sunt singur sau in party. Poate fi ceva de la Master points care le-am bagat cu putin timp inainte de bug.
  5. GruG

    Global message spam

    Omorand Bull Fighter mob in Lorencia, apare in continuare mesaj global ca si cum omori un boss mob.
  6. Mie mi se intampla la fel cand fac party pe GL si RW, in Arena pe Gold. Fac party, pornesc clicke-ru si iau imediat acest d/c, dar se reconecteaza inapoi. In felu asta nu pot face party cu ambele caractere, trebuie sa misc pe doua spoturi diferite.
  7. GruG

    KhaosS vs SPQR

    gg foarte bine jucat ! Ne vedem la Arca si CS
  8. Thank you ! Bring this server on the top !
  9. @MeTa So Mr. MeTa 🙂 ? Anything to say ?
  10. It`s just an idea, a suggestion.
  11. Hello, Do you think it`s possible like the Gold members, to have the possibility to change the diamonds in rubies even the Saturday and Sunday at the same price from the normal days ?
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