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Otzet last won the day on August 4 2021

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Community Reputation

13 Good

About Otzet

  • Birthday January 14

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  1. itemul trebuie sa aiba luck ( folosesti jwl of luck daca nu) si pui 10 Talisman of luck. Iti arata 80% dar e bug visual. la +10 si +11 daca ai pus ToL nu il pierzi.
  2. Otzet

    In game BUG

    https://www.tebamu.com/download.html downloadeaza fontul Arial UNICODE
  3. Otzet

    iteme event

    are lant si lacat , sa nu cada 'carnea' de la tine.
  4. Nothing to report. Just establishing a base line. Because you know very well, the tables will turn... Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not in a month. But they will turn. And, as they say, revenge is a dish best served cold. Also, don't know if you got the toolbox talk, but people got banned for using words like "dryliner" or " shipman" . Calling the whole guild rags, surely falls in the same brackets.
  5. @Constantine , dormi? Lui Neo i-ai sters repede postul, dar aici ce faci? sau ai scris si tu pe aici si nu iti da inima sa iti stergi postul? On-topic: vand masina de brodat.
  6. Nu. Acum cand am gasit ac de cojocul lor, se plang ca e stricat cojocul...
  7. Otzet

    Bug Ice Elfa

    Si nu mai poti sa te misti de loc. ramai blocat pe aceleasi coordonate pana dai sw
  8. Hi, Today I've managed to do all 3 Nixies, 3 Darness, 3 Ferea, plus 1 Selupan, 1 Kundun, Balgass. I've noticed the rewards are random, sometimes a lesser one will give you a better reward. I.e. Kundun will give you 2000d, Nixie gave me 3 exe items twice (completely useless as you need to be full stats, full ML and with a set+15 with a full pentagram). Can we have the rewards system re-worked so that it represent the difficulty of the mob?
  9. Se poate creste rata de succes pt ridicarea errtel la 90% pana la niv 7, si apoi sa scada treptat ca la goblin pana la 50%. p.s. @1nger, mai micsoreaza poza aia de la semnatura...
  10. ce as propune, daca se trece la burn stats, toate caracterele sa fie resetate la 0 rr, 0 stats. si timp de 2 -4 sapt sa nu se poata cumpara puncte. ( eventual un reward pro-rata pt rr pierdute.) Ar incuraja si alti jucatori sa vina pe server. acum oricine vine sa vada cum e teba, il vede gol. cativa la PK, mai nimeni la lvl . ( 2-3 pe gold, 1-2 pe fire/ice)
  11. Otzet

    Problema ctrl F

    Operatia a reusit, pacientul e decedat?
  12. pun si eu 10k la bataie...
  13. Hi MeTa, I cant sell or throw away: Stone Shard Ancestral Frame (red one)
  14. Farmat: OK Battle: 1 cont/ mac , nu IP In Crywolf, este bug daca dai move cu 2 conturi odata. daca dai cu 1 cont, si apoi ccu altul, nu merge.
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