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RaptoЯ last won the day on May 3 2022

RaptoЯ had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

32 Excellent

1 Follower

About RaptoЯ

  • Birthday 10/02/1991

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  1. Salutare, Multumim pentru idei si pentru implicare, vom lua fiecare idee in parte si vom vedea ce aplicam si in ce masura.
  2. Salut, Problema e rezolvata, va intra in vigoare cu urmatorul update. Necesita oprirea serverului pentru a recalcula lvl necesar. Multumesc!
  3. Salut, Au fost scoase pentru a promova craftingul ingame. Vom reanaliza situatia, iar unul din noi va reveni cu un raspuns referitor la solicitarea ta. Multumesc!
  4. Se va rezolva si pe Fire o data cu urmatorul update. Vom rezolva toate probleme atat timp cat sunt semnalate. Multumesc!
  5. Salut, Voi reveni azi pe zi cu detalii si raspunsuri referitor la problema asta. Nu am fost disponibili din pacate nici unul din noi, dar vedem ce se poate rezolva azi. Multumesc!
  6. Hello everyone, All the work concerning the update to Season XVII has been completed. After over 1 month of Closed Beta, in which we fixed some of the issues that had been reported we are now ready to move the server state to Public. The server will go live this Friday at 09:00 AM GMT We would like to thank everyone who helped us find and fix the issues that appeared after the update. Best regards, RaptoR & MeTa
  7. RaptoЯ

    New Maps

    Salut, Joi seara cel tarziu va fi rezolvat. Mai repede de atat nu-mi permite timpul.
  8. Rezolvat, Repet toti avem probleme, important e sa trecem peste 🙂
  9. Hello everyone, The Update to season XVII is almost complete, and we are releasing now a Closed Beta session. More details here Best regards, RaptoR
  10. RaptoЯ

    Season 17 P1-3

    Hello everyone, As promised, i came back today with the following news: Server will be online today, but in a Closed Beta state. This means that all your accounts have been filled with diamonds, and all the existing characters have been leveled up to 1400. During this phase you can test every aspect of the new season, including PvP, on which we would like to hear your ideas and what could be done better. After the conclusion of this closed beta state, the database will be restored as it was before the update. Best regards, TebaMU Staff
  11. Salut, Serverul va fi functional Duminica, 6 Martie. Ora inca nu este stabilita, este in functie de cum reusim sa terminam. S-a pierdut mult timp la migrarea bazei de date, ea fiind destul de considerabila ca si marime, iar la aceste lucruri trebuie verificat totul pana in cel mai mic detaliu, altfel se pierde tot. Partea de server este configurata, mai putin PvP la care lucram acum. Multumesc!
  12. RaptoЯ

    Season 17 P1-3

    Hello everyone, The Server will be back online Sunday, March 6th. The time at which the server will be operational remains to be announced. We have finished setting up the server, migrating the database, which took the longest, and now we are currently working at the PvP System, and new sets integration for the newest classes. Best regards, RaptoR
  13. Salut, Stim de aceasta problema, ele in baza de date figureaza ca fiind echipate in orice scenariu. Aceasta problema va fi rezolvata la urmatorul update, speram cel tarziu la finalul saptamanii viitoare, sau chiar mai devreme, daca totul merge ok.
  14. Salut, Este o problema a clientului, acesta nefiind capabil de a afisa toate informatiile, datorita unei limite impuse de date din tooltip. Vom vedea daca putem face ceva in acest sens. Iti poti da seama ce set e citind lista de iteme din set de jos. Cele cu Conviction sunt de defense. Multumesc
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